sculptural work
Steel / Fish and calf leather, handstitched w. waxed linen thread. 185 kg.
JANUARY 2021 premiered Dansens Hus, Oslo
TOUR February 17th, RAS, Sandnes, July 2nd Ice Hot, Helsinki, July 07th Ravnedans, Kristiansand, August 28th - RAS, Sandnes, September 4th Teater Innlandet, Hama, September 29-30th Rosendal Teater- Trondheim,October 23-24th - Oktoberdans - BIT Bergen, 02-04 th December Les Urbaines, Lausanne Switzerland. May 05-06th MDT, Stockholm Sweden.
sculptural work by Bruce Lund for solo performance by Harald Beharie in collaboration with prog-rock band Ring van Mobius. The project is a co-production with Dansens Hus, Oslo and RAS, Sandnes and premiered January 20th, 2022.
Batty Bwoy is Jamaican slang for a gay or effeminate man and means "butt boy".Batty Bwoy is a predator, a murderous and flaming queen.Batty Bwoy invokes ruthless batty energy and sensitive desire, while crawling, swallowing and inhaling.Batty Bwoy dives into absurd narratives and corporal fictions of homophobia while expanding upon the demonic and mythical in these displaced bodies. Batty Bwoy manifests as a mischievous creature, embodying cemented ideas around queer blackness - uncovering the essence and horror of Batty Bwoy.
The project was nominated for the norwegian Critics Association Prize 2022.
Choreography & performer Harald Beharie
Artistic team & sculpture Karoline Bakken Lund and Veronica Bruce
Music Ring van Möbius
Sound designer Jassem Hindi
Outside eyes Ines Belli and Hooman Sharifi
Thank you + supported by:
Thanks to Tobias Leira and Ingeborg Staxrud Olerud. Norwegian Art council, Fond for lyd og bilde,FFUK, Sandnes Kommune and Tou Scene.